Happy New Year - A Promise To Myself - Gratitude

New Years is that time of year where we reflect and we plan. We think of all the things we want to change in our lives, our weight, our jobs, our hair, and in some cases relationships. We can all sit around complaining about our lives, but all that does is make you more unhappy. But, if you can learn to practice gratitude you will begin to find more to be grateful for.

What if you started a new tradition? What if instead of starting the year out thinking about all the things that you think you want, or things that you need or want to change in your life, and you started the year by making a list of and being grateful for what you already have and enjoy?

I choose to spend my 2015 in gratitude. I choose to be grateful for all that I have in my life, those things that are enjoyable and those things that seem to be challenging because I know in the long run each and everything is for my good and for my growth.

I believe that if you started your year out being grateful for what you already have you would have less that you feel needs to be changed, and it would be much easier to stick with making the changes that you really do need or want to make.

Have you made your list of what you are grateful for???

Love and Blessings in divine order , 


Song of the day: “Be Thankful For What You Got” William DeVaughn
CD: Be Thankful For What You Got William DeVaughn