The Red Flag Warning

Every person whether they want to acknowledge it or not comes across  a “Red Flag Warner”. That moment when you are in conversation with another person and they say or do something that doesn’t feel right, and yet we will just over look this uncomfortable moment, and we will tuck it away in a bed full of excuses. The funny thing about the “Red Flag Warning” especially in relationship is that when we come to the end of a relationship we always seem to remember the “Red Flags” that we saw early on and chose to ignore. 

Here’s the thing,  people always show you who they are , just as we show who we are, but because of loneliness or plain ol’ animal attraction we overlook the things that don’t sit well with us. And, yet with horns blaring and flags waving we continue walking into the danger zone.  Fool ourselves into believing that this thing that doesn’t sit well with us can continue to be overlooked or is something that we can fix.  It’s true that it takes time to get to know someone, but if you really paying attention  there is a lot of important things you can learn in a short time.

It is always good to know what it is you need and want from any relationship as well as your intentions. If you’re clear about who you are, what you need and want then when you meet someone  and they do or say something that does not feel right to you then that is a “Red Flag and you know not to move forward. But, if you’re not clear you will fool yourself into believing that the situation is something you can work with or fix. 

 As the  old saying goes you “can’t judge a book by it’s cover”,  and that is true, but if you can take 10 minutes you can open a book, skim the pages, and if you look closely  and trust your instincts you might see that there is no happy ending at the end of the story for you .   Trust your instinct they can save you a lot of heartache and grief.

Do you trust your instincts??? 

Love and blessings in divine order, 



