The Relationship Road To Deception

There is no right or wrong in relationships, but there is being honest with yourself about what you want and need from a relationship, and being honest with the person in your life. 

Too many times we meet some one, we send in our representative, and we stay on our best behavior. We go into the relationship and we are still on our best behavior not letting the other person see who we really are. The thing is we are not only lying to the other person, but we are lying to ourself. We are denying ourself the true opportunity to be happy, but worst we are denying the other person the opportunity of knowing how amazing we are. 

A relationship is between two people, and we cannot expect our relationship to be like someone else’s or like a relationship that we have had before. No one can tell you what is right or wrong for you and your relationship, and listening to others tell you what you should and should not do is sometimes the biggest mistake people make in regards to their relationship. Only you know what will work for you and your partner. 

A relationship must have honesty, communication, and respect. With these things you will have a good relationship whatever kind of relationship you choose to have. If you cannot be honest with yourself and your partner about who  you are, what you need, and what you want then you will never be able to have a relationship that makes you happy, but instead you will continue to be unhappy and constantly in search of that happy relationship you have dreamed of . 

Are you on the road of deception in your relationship or are you on the road of honesty? 

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Song of the day: “Talk To Me” - Anita Baker 

CD: Compositions