The Little Voice

We each have a compass that guides us through life. It is that little voice, our gut , or instinct that leads us forward. If you listen carefully that voice always leads you in the right direction for you.  That voice will lead you on your perfect path, to your perfect destiny. We each have that something that is just for us and our own road to getting there. 

The thing about this voice is that we all have one, we just don’t all chose to listen. Our heart speaks and yet we will sometimes not listen because of fear or impatience, or we are trying to do what we think is the right thing or the thing that will lead to what we think that we want or need.   

The truth is we don’t always know what is right for us  or what will  help us best to get where we want to go. Many times we get in our own way our slowing our progress because we are so busy trying to force a situations instead of allowing things to move as they should.

Always listen to that little voice. It Is there for you and you alone to help you navigate these sometimes difficult waters of life. You are never alone because God has got you, and if you listen closely you will always hear the words you need to hear and you will always be on your right road.  

Remember fear and faith cannot occupy the same space. 

Love and blessings in divine order, 