Live Life to the Fullest

There are a few things that we can be sure of in life. We know that one day we each must go, and although we are not always certain of what our true journey and purpose are, we each have a journey and a purpose. Some of us are here to do things in a grand way, while others might have a simpler task, but either way every life has a purpose. It’s very easy to go through the motion of our life thinking and even feeling as though we have nothing but time, even with the subtle reminders that we receive each day of how short and precious life is.

On February 13th my life changed in a way that I could have never expected. From that day until now I have experienced a bevel of emotions ranging from relief, anger, sadness, fear, and I have landed in a place of acceptance and gratitude. On February 13th 2009 I found out that I have Myeloma (Cancer of the blood plasma).

I live in that place of gratitude. I am so grateful that I was never and will never be a spectator, but always a participator. I have always believed in living life to the fullest. I have lived and loved with very few regrets, and there are very few things that I have put off with the plan of one day getting to. What I am most grateful for is the love that I feel everyday from the people In my life.

I share this with you not for sympathy or pity, but to continue living in the open and honest fashion that I have always lived. I am not sad or angry but happy. You see they (the doctors) claim that Myeloma is incurable and I believe that my journey and purpose is to prove them wrong, and so far I am doing an incredible job.

You are the artist, and the world is your canvas. Make your life your greatest work of. Live fearlessly and without regret.

Are you living the life that you want to live, and if not when are you going to start?

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: “1999” - Prince