Pot of Gold

There are many things that happen in our lives that at the time make no sense at all. Try hard as we might we just can’t seem to understand what has happened and why. At the time we are going through any situation that we consider difficult it is hard to wrap our minds around the fact that everything happens, as it should. All we want is an answer to why we are going through it, and when the recovery will begin. We want to know if there is something that we did wrong, and is there something we can do to fix it?

The answer or answers lay before us. Everything happens for a reason, but it is those situations that we consider uncomfortable that happen for our growth.  Without being taken out of our comfort zone most of us wouldn’t and/or couldn’t move forward in our lives.  We would continue doing the same things, dealing with the same people, and in most cases continuing to complain that we want things to change in our lives. 

You see the request for change was heard and since we wouldn’t take the subtle signals to move us along bigger things had to happen to get us moving.  Remember we asked for it, but in most cases we weren’t moving towards what we said that we wanted. 

So, as you sit and ask why is this happening to me? Remember that whatever is happening will in the long run be for your good. You must do your best to not get angry or depressed, but to be productive and not let the situation get the best of you.  

Find time to be still. Pay attention to the signals, and be grateful for the experiences. Know that when you come out on the other side you will know that it was all for your good, and there will be gold at the end of the rainbow.

Are you on your way to your pot of gold?

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Song of the day: “This Too Shall Pass” - India.Arie

CD of the day: “Testimony, Vol. 1: Life & Relationship” – India Arie

Through The Fire

We all go through a time in our life that we can't imagine how or if we are going to make it. And, it seems that the doors that we thought will be open to us with help, support, and encouragement are closed. The pain, the stress, the heartbreak can take their tool, and the light that we have heard is at the end of the tunnel seems like an old wives tale.

It’s in that lowest of times that you must hold onto your faith. You must believe that those unpleasant and uncomfortable experiences are just that - experiences. They are not who you are nor do they define how your life has to be. They are only moments in time for you to learn and grow from. It is in those times that you must continue to find things in your life to be grateful for. It is gratitude that will help you to move through the fire.

Just when you think you can take no more your life or circumstances can turn around in a moment with one action, a conversation, or a phone call. So, when things seem impossible- know that they aren't. There is a silver lining on every cloud. It’s okay to have a sad or angry moment you're only human. But, know whatever the lows that you will make it through the fire.

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: "Through The Fire" - Chaka Khan

CD of The day: "I Feel For You" - Chaka Khan


Pride Aside

It’s a funny thing how we do or don’t do something because of our pride. Like not calling someone we care about because we want them to call first. As both people put their pride in front of their hearts time passes, and it gets harder and harder for anyone to say what needs to be said. 

I use to live with my pride held high, then one day I realized that pride has it’s place. You should have pride in your work, in your home, your family or children, but not when dealing with the heart. We all come from different backgrounds and have different issues from our past that we might be dealing with. Sometimes, we don’t necessarily speak the same language as someone that we care about. Our differences can make it difficult to say what needs to be said, and sometimes difficult to hear what is being said. 

So, I have learned to listen to my heart and realize that sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war. It’s not always necessary to be right. It can be difficult and unpleasant to have to say the things that need to be said like “I’m sorry” or “I was wrong,” but I would rather experience an uncomfortable moment, than life a lifetime of regret.  I don’t want to look up one day to find that I miss someone that really meant something to me all because I thought I had a point to prove.  When coming from a place of love, so much more is always gained than pride can or will ever award you.   

What are you holding pride for?

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Check Your Baggage

We all have a past, our journey of experiences and events good and bad that have helped to make up who we are, our backstory and what we refer to as our personal baggage. The thing about baggage is that we all have it, but we all carry it around differently. Some of us choose to carry more of it than others, and some people prefer to travel light. It’s usually the more negative of our baggage that we choose to display proudly for the world to see. We allow the negative baggage to continuously affect our life personally and professionally, which leads to more baggage.

The thing is, we have all had some unfortunate thing to happen to us. None of us is the first nor will any of us be the last person that something we consider unpleasant is going to happen to. And, it’s unfair for us to tote our baggage around continuously expecting everyone in our life to be a Bellmen. The worst thing about baggage is that we continuously collect it, and collect it. We sometimes have collected so much baggage that we don’t realize how it is affecting our relationships, and how it has begun taking up so much room that it is crowding people out of our life.

Without challenges, there cannot be growth. Experiences are just that - experiences. No matter how unpleasant, uncomfortable or negative any experience may seem if you can open your heart and mindit is possible to find the blessings and the lessons that the experience has brought to your life. You will be able to continue on your journey with a much lighter load and more room for the good experiences life has to offer.

Is your baggage in the way?

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: “ Bag Lady” - Erykah Badu

CD: Mama’s Gun

Clouded Judgement

There are many times when we allow our desires to outweigh our judgment. We can feel and see that things are not right, but yet we allow our desire to paint the picture prettier than it really is. The trick in life is to remember we can’t allow our desires to become obsessions, especially in relationships. 

If you pay close attention, I believe that a person tells you a lot about themselves in the first few minutes, with their words as well as their actions. Within that first few minutes, you will see a glimpse of the kind of things that will make a difference as to whether or not you should have a relationship with that person. The problem is that most of us don’t pay attention to who a person shows us they are. We get so caught up in the fairytale of what we hope can be, that we overlook the warning signs. We continue on the journey until one day the fairytale becomes a nightmare, and we are shocked that things have gone so wrong. 

Many times we look back on a relationship after it has ended, and we realize that in all actuality the red flags were waving in front of us the whole time.  If we were to tell the story of our journey of the relationship we wanted so badly the red flags will stand out, and we will realize we chose to overlook them.

Love is not a myth, and having a great relationship is possible with the right person, but it is important to pay attention. If something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t. You may have to kiss a few frogs to get to the prince or princess, but it’s better to take your time to get to the fairytale than to be trapped in a nightmare. 

Are you using your judgment or being guided by your desires?

Love and blessings in divine order, 

The Blessings

There are many ways that we can look at any situation that doesn’t have a desirable outcome. Many of us go straight to the negative instead of stopping to find, and see the positives in the situation.  In the first moment of any situation that goes in a way different from what we desire we experience fear, disappointment, and/or anger which are completely normal human reactions, but within a moment we can make the same situation a blessing. Some situations as painful as they may be are for our good. Because, what we are experiencing is needed for us move to move forward.

The first thing that we have to remember is that every situation is a moment to learn and grow from. If we can keep this in mind, then it becomes easier to not be upset over things or at least not be upset as long. So, yes we can have that moment of fear, disappointment and/or anger we just don’t need to sit in it, and hang onto it. 

Just as quickly as an undesirable moment happened so should our negative response be quick and over with.  If we hold onto that anger or disappointment, we will continue to manifest more things that bring on those negative feelings, but if we can master finding the blessings in an unpleasant situation we can have the experience and move forward in our joy. 

So, as you move through your days you have to remember that nothing is really ever wrong . Your experience is simply a lesson.  

Are you seeing the blessings and learning your lessons?

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Song of the day:  “ God Is Truly Amazing” – Deniece Williams

Gratitude In Simplicity


It’s easy for us to complain about the life that we live, but is seems to be more of a challenge for people to find gratitude for the small things in their lives. We seem to take for granted the simple things in our lives like walking, breathing and the roof over our heads when there are so many that would be grateful just to have those things. 

It’s easy to want more, more and more, and we all seem to. Is more really going to make us happier, or does more add to our burden and frustration? I, like everyone grew up wanting and in some cases feeling as though I needed to have stuff, and sometimes I was even frustrated on the road to acquiring this stuff that I seemed to feel I had to have. Over time and through the challenges in my own life I was given the opportunity to see how truly blessed I was. 

Each day I say thank you as I rise from my bed. I am grateful to see another day, to have another opportunity to be the best I can be. I am grateful for the roof over my head, the food that nourishes my body, and grateful to have people in my life that love and care for me.  What I came to realize was that my life was rich because I had these things, not because I had all the stuff that the media has tried so hard to convince me that I needed to have. 

So, as you walk through your life take a moment to appreciate what is real in your life. Make sure that your plate of life is full of all the true essentials that you need like love, family, and shelter. Remember that all that other things are just a side dish. 

What are the things that you are grateful for?

Love and blessings in divine order, 



From the book “It’s All In How You Look at It (thought and questions about life) 

Love Loss and Love Again

Some years ago I was in a relationship. I was very much in love. The gentleman’s life was cut short by an act of nature. On his birthday, I always take a moment to reflect and in my own way spend a bit of his birthday with him to let him know I love and miss him. He still has a special place in my heart, and he always will. 

Many years have passed since the day of his transition, but he is still very much a part of who I am. At the time, I couldn’t imagine how I could go on without him. I couldn’t imagine that I would. Over time, my wounded heart has healed, and I have continued living, and I have had the honor to love again. 

I believe if you have ever really loved someone, then you don’t stop loving them; period. I understand that everyone that has been in your life whether you consider it a good or maybe not so good relationship has had a part in who you have become. You not only learned more about your wants and needs from a relationship, but you learn how to love deeper.

I know that some people wonder do I expect other men to measure up to the man I lost? The answer is No, not even for one minute. Because I know that we are all individuals. You can never love two people the same way. Each relationship brings its own joys, challenges, and lessons. 

What I did learn from being in that relationship was what love feels like, and that I would never settle for a relationship that didn’t make me feel good, bring me joy, make me laugh, or feel appreciated. And, I would not be in a relationship with someone that I could not make feel the same. 

What have you learned from your past loves?

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Song of the day: “Never Knew Love Like This” - Alexander O'Neal


Moving Past The Pain

When a relationship has ended it is very similar to a death, and in many ways it is. You haveloss something and someone that was important you. A person that you care about is no longer in your life. Like any loss, you will continue on with your life, and each day the pain will seem to hurt less and less, but in the immediate you hurt.

Through each of our lives, we will experience the loss a loved one either physically, emotionally or both. The hardest task for most is to figure out what to do next, and how to not hurt. Like anything else in life, you have to find and give gratitude for the good things and the lessons that came from the relationship as well as the loss of the relationship. 

There are many reasons a relationship can end. No one has to be right or wrong, but when you can look back on the relationship honestly it will make all the difference in the world on how you move past the hurt. Sometimes it is hard for us to see through the pain that a relationship wasn’t good for us, was holding us back from being our best self, or that it wasn’t the best thing for either party. When you can look at the relationship as it really was not the fantasy you painted in your imagination you’ll find the grieving period will be much shorter. Many times we are holding onto the fantasy of what we hoped would be, and we allow that fantasy to get in the way of our healing. 

There is no right or wrong amount of time to grieve a loss of any kind. The end of a relationship is in it’s own way a death and the mistake that most of us make is that we don’t allow ourselves time to grieve. At the end of anything that is important to you, you have to allow yourself time to grieve. But, unlike a death, you cannot continue to only see the good in the relationship and not acknowledge the things that were unpleasant in the relationship. Continuing to do that will prolong the pain and never allow you to move forward. Just as you are allowing yourself time to grieve you have to allow yourself time to adjust to the changes in your life, where you are in the present and where you want to go in the future. 


Love and blessings in divine order, 



Song of The day : “I Can’t Get Over You “ - Frankie Beverly & Maze 




Facing Fear

What is it you fear??? What do you run from or avoid?

Many of us avoid speaking up for ourselves, or maybe telling someone that we have feelings for them, while there are others that avoid necessary change.

There is a saying “When you face the lion, the lion becomes a lamb”. Whenever I am faced with something that scares me that is what I say to myself over and over. Funny thing is that it’s true. The lion does become a lamb, and the situation never seems as bad as it did before I faced it.

It is easy to let fear consume you, to allow your fears to destroy your life, or to allow yourself to miss out on something wonderful because you are afraid to move forward. But, when you stop and look at any situation for what it truly is there is always a solution, and really little to be afraid of. If a challenging situation is placed before you, you must know that every challenge is necessary for growth, and you will have everything you need to handle that challenge.

If you face what you fear, the lion will become a lamb.

Are you facing your fears?

Love and blessings in divine order,
Stacye Branché
From the book “It’s All In How You Look At It (thoughts and questions about life)”

Live Life to the Fullest

There are a few things that we can be sure of in life. We know that one day we each must go, and although we are not always certain of what our true journey and purpose are, we each have a journey and a purpose. Some of us are here to do things in a grand way, while others might have a simpler task, but either way every life has a purpose. It’s very easy to go through the motion of our life thinking and even feeling as though we have nothing but time, even with the subtle reminders that we receive each day of how short and precious life is.

On February 13th my life changed in a way that I could have never expected. From that day until now I have experienced a bevel of emotions ranging from relief, anger, sadness, fear, and I have landed in a place of acceptance and gratitude. On February 13th 2009 I found out that I have Myeloma (Cancer of the blood plasma).

I live in that place of gratitude. I am so grateful that I was never and will never be a spectator, but always a participator. I have always believed in living life to the fullest. I have lived and loved with very few regrets, and there are very few things that I have put off with the plan of one day getting to. What I am most grateful for is the love that I feel everyday from the people In my life.

I share this with you not for sympathy or pity, but to continue living in the open and honest fashion that I have always lived. I am not sad or angry but happy. You see they (the doctors) claim that Myeloma is incurable and I believe that my journey and purpose is to prove them wrong, and so far I am doing an incredible job.

You are the artist, and the world is your canvas. Make your life your greatest work of. Live fearlessly and without regret.

Are you living the life that you want to live, and if not when are you going to start?

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: “1999” - Prince

Living In The Moment

Recently I was watching atelevision show , and there was a scene where a woman tells a man they should stay friends because she wouldn’t want to lose his friendship if thing don’t work out. 

So, I ask the question, Why do we always look for and expect the worst?  Why can’t we live in the moment, and take things as they come? Why do we worry so much about the future?

In relationships I think that we spend more time making them wrong, than making them right. We spend our time trying to figure out where the relationship is going, how the other person will respond to something that we say or do, and who they were with or might still be with. All of this wondering and worrying when we should be living in the moment and appreciating and enjoying the other persons company.  

Relationships of any kind don’t have warranties or guaranties.  There is no guide to know how long a relationship is going to last.  The same person that you thought you couldn’t live without could be the same person that you can’t stand to be around a year later. Every person comes into our lives for a reason, and a season.  It is important to be with the right person in the first place, and not to settle for who is not right for you or try to be someone that you’re not to just not be alone.  Find ways to make each other happy, and enjoy each others company in the now instead of letting all the other stuff get in the way. 

Are you living in the moment?

Love and blessings in divine order, 



Worth Staying The Road

Why is it so easy to walk away from what we say we love? Why do we let pride get in the way of what we say we desire to only be unhappy with the choice that we’ve made? 

In the past I have walked away from a relationships because of my pride, and occasionally having too many family and friends in my ears, to only look back and want to kick myself for not trying harder, and not fighting for what mattered to me. Then, I realized the things that I was allowing to become an issue in my relationship weren’t really bothering me, but were things that I had been taught were a problem by people who weren't in the relationship. What I learned is that people will always have an opinion about someone else’s life and relationshipsbase on what would work for them, their own fears, or negative experiences. 

We all fall victim to involving others in our relationships when looking for answers. We ask our friends and family the important questions instead of asking ourselves or the person we are in the relationship with. If you are grown enough to be in a relationship, then you should be grown enough to say what you need to said, to whom you need to say it to, and to ask the questions that you need to ask without fear of the answer. Two important things to remember in any relationship- 1. You shouldn't be in a relationship with anyone that you are afraid to talk to. 2. No one can have a opinion about your relationship, but you and the person that your are in it with.  What worked for someone else may not work for you and vice-versa.

The greatest moment in my life was the day I realized what was really important to me, and I chose to take responsibility for my life, my mistakes, and my heart. I was willing to stand up for what I wanted no matter what the outcome, because I couldn't go through my life wondering “what if?” I stood up for what I wanted and the outcome was more amazing then I could have expected. From that moment on I have fearlessly moved forward never looking back, and never being afraid to express my feelings to whom I need, and how I needed. I learned that I didn’t need to listen to the outside voices, but I needed to trust my own instincts,  and open and honest communicationwith the one person that I needed to talk to.

Our dreams, our desires, and our loves are all worth staying the road, and not allowing others to distract us from our path. 

Are you on your road?

Song of the Day: “Living With You”  Chante Moore. Kenny Lattimore 

CD of the Day: Uncovered/Covered

The Commitment

There are a lot of things that we are taught in life, but the one we are never really taught is how to have healthy and happy relationships. It’s almost like we assume that just because we found someone that of the opposite sex or the same sex that we are interested in that things should just work out. But, the truth is that there is more to a relationship than just attraction, and like anything that we want to be successful at a relationship takes continuous work and commitment. 

Deep down we all have a desire to love and be loved, but we may not know how to go about it. For most of us we learn how to be in relationships from our parents and the other people in our immediate circle. If a person sees drama, jealousy, abuse or cheating unfortunately that is how they mightbelieve a relationship should be, but it doesn’t have to be that way. To achieve the relationship that you desire is really all in the commitment. Not just the commitment to another person, but a commitment to yourself to have the best relationship possible. Just because you see a Certain type of behavior it doesn’t meant that, that it is the way things should be, or have to be for you. What matters is what feels right for you and your partner.

To have the right relationship first starts with finding that someone that you are of course attracted to, but that you connect with on a deeper level, someone that you have shared interest with, as well as common goals and beliefs.  But, what really makes a relationship successful is mutual love and respect. It is about being fearless, and not worrying about the what if’s, and the what could possibly go wrong, or giving up when things get tough. But,  for you and your partner both to be committed to always working at making your relationship the best it can be. That starts with being loving, kind, thoughtful, and considerate. It is about giving to your relationship and your partner exactly what it is you claim to want. The true commitment is loving through the good times, and the challenging times. 

Are you committed?

Love and blessings in divine order, 


Song of the day: “Take Care of Home” -     Dave Hollister

CD:    Chicago '85...The Movie            

Taking Care of You

It’s an amazing thing to watch your life change, as you truly love yourself.  We always think that we love ourselves, until the day that we realize we really do.  Things that worked before no longer work, friends that we thought we couldn’t live without, we realize we aren’t as dependent on, and we realize that we are truly comfortable in the space we’re in.

Self-love and Self-respect these are interesting terms that not everyone understands or applies. We are taught to love others, to do for others, to give to others, but in all of that giving no one ever really teaches us how to truly love ourselves. As children we are taught to share, and to not be selfish.  We are told that all of this giving will make us good people, and most of us spend our lives trying to be the people we have been taught to be. But, many times we focus so much on others that we forget to focus on ourselves.

In the course of all this loving, sharing, and giving to everyone else are we are never really thought how to love ourselves, which can make us vulnerable to those who try to take advantage of our kindness, or as they say “Those who mistake our kindness for weakness.” Self-love isn’t about being selfish. Self-love is honoring you, your beliefs, and making sure you take care of you. In the course of all that teaching of kindness we’re never taught that.

We have to remember everyone wants what they wants, and sometimes without thinking about how their wants might affect others. But, if you are clear about who you are and your needs, then you can generously give to other without ever neglecting yourself. 

 Are you taking care of you?

Love and blessings in divine order, 




The Journey of Grief

We have all suffered a loss of some sort, and other than the loss of a loved one we are never really taught how to deal with loss. We are expected to, and always think it is best to move on and try to get over it. But, a loss plain and simple is a loss, and it’s painful.

In most societies we are expected to grieve over the loss of a loved one, but what we are not taught is that a loss of any kind whether it is the loss of a job, a home, a relationship, or a loved one the loss we have suffered requires time to grieve and to heal. It’s impossible to move forward and be the best you can be in your next job, home, or relationship if you have not dealt with your emotions properly. You have to understand the good that came from the experience, and the necessary changes that need to be made for you to do better in the future.

It is important that you know you are doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t take the time to grieve your losses. Just like we take time and care to say goodbye to our loved ones, it’s important that we take the time and care to properly say goodbye to our old situations. We need to properly say goodbye, so that we can show up complete and ready to put in the best that we have to give in our new situation.When you are sad, broken and grieving any kind of loss you can’t be your best.

When we take the time to properly say goodbye, heal, and put things in perspective, we are able to reflect on the good that came from the past experience, and not the pain that came with the loss.

Do you allow yourself to grieve?

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart -Al Green

The Transformation

When you reach a point where you can take no more, you know a change must come.  When you know the only way to reach your goals is to do things you have never don’t before –a change must come. 

We all at some point in each of our lives realize that a change has to take place. When we know that the life that we are living is no longer the way we want to live our life. It ca be easy to settle, too easy make excuses, but we know that to have different, we have to do different.  The road of change can be a difficult one, but if it was easy you would have taken the road long ago. 

Along the road of change you must stay focused, and know that the rewards will be worth the uphill climb. On your journey of change you may come across obstacles, and family and friends that may not be supportive of your improvements. But, you can't let them discourage you. You have to keep in mind that your progress maybe a reminder so someone else they are avoiding acting on their own life changes or maybe allowing their own fear of living to get in their way. None of which you have to accept. There is no need to look down on them, no need to be angry, and no need to be hurt. Bless them and pray that they will find the best path for themselves, and the changes that they might need to make.

Remember, your changes begin with you, in what you do, in what you say, and in the choices that you make. Try not to let the negativity of others discourage you. You may lose a few so-called friends along the way. But, what you will gain is worthall that you will go through to get there. 

How bad do you really want change?

Stay positive ☺

Love and blessings in divine order,





I Am A Tree

I am young and fragile, but I know with nourishment (love, kindness, and compassion)

I will grow big, tall and strong. 

It is important that as I grow I am protected from the elements. (hate, fear, and danger) so that my growth is not stalled in anyway. 

I know I am growing in every second, every minute, in every hour of every day. 

Even though I cannot see it, I know I am always growing. 

As I grow I will be ever changing. (appearance, weight, emotionally, spiritually)

I will lose some of my leaves (family, friends, habits) that will be replaced by new leaves. 

I will be ever changing and growing into the beautiful tree that has been planted, nourished, and loved by God. 

Are youloving the tree thatyou are ??? 

Love and blessings in divineorder , 

Stacye Branché 

Song of the day:    Get It Together India.Arie

CD of the day:   Voyage to India  India Arie

From the book “It’s All in How You Look At It (thoughts and questions about life) “




A Friend

We are all so quick to call someone our friend, when in actuality most of us have one or two friends, and several acquaintances and people that we know or know of. 

Many people don’t often understand what friendship is. There are times we are disappointed and our feelings are hurt because someone doesn’t show us their friendship the way that we think that they should. But, what we have to take into consideration is who we think that person is in our life, and who they think we are to their life. We also have to take into consideration if that person really understand what friendship is. Friends are people that you share your journey with, and have experiences with.

Friendship is about being there for each other, being supportive of each other through the good times as well as the challenging time. A friend goes through the good times with you and cheers you on even if what you are doing in not really their cup of tea, and will be there in the challenging times to pick you up and dust you off without criticism. Friends are not jealous. Friends are supportive and want you to do well, and try to help you to achieve the happiness you desire. A friend is there to lift you up and to encourage you, and not run off like a little roach when the lights come on when times get tough. They will be there to help sooth your wounds and give you the fuel needed to push forward.

It’s very important to know who you allow in your life, and the roll they will play in your life, as well as the roll that they wish for you to play in their life. The most important thing about real friendship that you have to remember is that you can’t expect from someone else what you yourself are not willing to give.

Do you know how to be a friend?

Love and blessings in divine order,


Song of the day: “A Friend” - The Winans (featuring Teddy Riley & Aaron Hall)



The Little Voice

We each have a compass that guides us through life. It is that little voice, our gut, or instinct that leads us forward. We each have that something that is just for us and our own road to getting there. If you listen carefully that voice always leads you in the right direction for you. That voice will lead you on your perfect path, to your perfect destiny.

The thing about this voice is that we all have one, but we don’t all chose to listen to it. Our heart speaks and yet we will sometimes not listen because of fear or impatience. But, the real mistake that we make is in our trying to do what we think is the right thing, or we try to do what we think will expedite getting us what we think we want or need.  

The truth is we don’t always know what is right for us, or what will help us best to get where we want to go. Many times we get in our own way slowing down our progress, because we are so busy trying to force a situations instead of allowing things to move as they should. Sometimes things are moving slowly because there are lessons to be learned, or a situation that needs to be avoided or completed. But, learning to be patient can be the true key to our success.

Always listen to that little voice. It is there for you and you alone, to help you navigate these sometimes difficult waters of life. You are never alone because God has got you, and if you listen closely you will always hear the words you need to hear, and you will always be on your right road. 

Remember, fear and faith cannot occupy the same space.

Love and blessings in divine order,